

Vision It’s all problems but what specifically are the most relevant problems for you? Life is busy for most of us. All of us have a monster to do list. I am sure you can think of a million things that need doing. A million problems that need fixing. Imagine that...

Tactics of personal change

  Take ownership of the locus of control. Take responsibility and be accountable for your actions.   When you are experiencing distress, It can often be the most natural thing in the world to look for something outside of yourself to pin the blame on. There...

Discovering Choice

I can’t One of the most distressing experiences for any human is the experience of feeling hopeless. The sense that possibility and choice are just things that happen to other people. I have often said to myself and I have heard others say. I don’t have a choice. It...

I am stuck-A way out

Have you ever seen a car stuck in the mud? It does not matter how much the wheels spin- if the tyres don’t get any traction then the car won’t move out of the hole.  All of us can recall times in our life when we have felt stuck. We know something is not right but...

Low self-esteem

Lots of people struggle with feelings of low self-esteem. If you are one of them then you are not alone. The good news is that there are many ways in which you can help your-self with this. Here are some ideas:  There can be good reason for having low-self esteem....

Relating to the critic.

How do I feel good about my self? How do i feel confident and accept who I am? If at any time you have asked your self these types of questions then you are not alone. We live in a society where we receive many messages telling us that we need to be better in someway....